one peace corps volunteer's journey into the warm heart of africa

Thursday, January 21, 2010


FINALLY got the email that tells me where the staging is for our PC Malawi group. It's in.......Philly. Not very exciting since it's basically in my backyard, but hey it's one less flight that I will have to take. February 26th is the official date to leave and I will be in Malawi on the 28th. So, at roughly 12:25pm on Feb 28 I will be in Malawi. Craziness.

My time spent lately has consisted of planning, worrying, doubting, praying, trusting, then back to planning as the cycle starts all over again. Thankfully, I can be rest assured that God has the patience to put up with me.

Overall, I am so completely excited about this next phase in my life. I've been reminded lately of how thankful I should be for this opportunity. The Lord gave me something that I have wanted for what seems like a very, very long time. I am blessed!


jess said...

oh i can't believe how quickly this is coming. you are already being prayed for by some many people. love always.

Gwen said...
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Gwen said...

I love the clock and the weather additions to your site!

Unknown said...

Hey, Katie, I am a Peace Corps mom with a daughter in Malawi, and I read all the Malawi PC blogs every day. My daughter is Meg who blogs when she can at, is a teacher PCV who arrived in Sept. They are all doing much better than any of them expected to do- and will see the new PCTs during your Dedza training. I am writing this to give you encouragement; the group that arrived in September is tight, and happy, and productive, from what I hear. God bless you.

Katy said...

Thanks Margaret! I am SO glad to hear your daughter is doing well in Malawi. Thanks for the encouragement, I really hope that I get the chance to meet your daughter!