one peace corps volunteer's journey into the warm heart of africa

Friday, October 2, 2009

One Last Step

So I received the letter in the mail today saying that I am OFFICIALLY medically qualified for service in Africa and all I can think is that it's about time. I can't believe I've waited six months just to hear this news but I am very happy all the same.

Again, all that is left is for me to receive (or not receive) an official invitation. But honestly, who knows how long that will take. It could be weeks or even a few months. But things are still moving forward, no matter how slow it may seem. So I am extremely encouraged and hopefully take it as a sign from the Lord that this is what He wants from me.

I am really really thankful for the people in my life who have prayed for me and have been constantly asking me for updates during this process. So if that's YOU, then I want to sincerely THANK YOU. I can't tell you how appreciative I am. And I ask for continued prayers because this next step is really huge and decides as to when, where, and even if I am going to Africa.


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